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Stochastic Weather Generator

This folder was originally conceived to address training Variational Autoencoder (VAE). It later evolved in a general folder for Stochastic Weather Generator (SWG).

Folder structure


If you would like to work with SWG you must run even if you do not intend to train VAE because generates the necessary folder structure consistent with k-fold cross validation. The first step is to call:

python <folder_name>

Don’t forget to set up the correct **kwargs

After the routine has been called you may inspect the quality of reconstruction (if VAE was used) via the following script

python <folder_name> <checkpoint_number> <random_seed>

To inspect the loss during training use may use

python <folder_name> <number_of_folds>
python <folder_name> <number_of_folds>

Direct input

If you are don’t want to use dimensinoality reduction, to compute the matrix of analogs for the SWG you may use

python <folder> <coefficients> <NN>

where typical usage is to set <coefficients>=1,5,10,50,100,500 and <NN>=100

Dimansionality reduction

In this case you run the following <folder> <coefficients> <NN>

To use the matrix of analogs and compute the committor function (independent of whether or not you use dimesnionality reduction) you should use

python <committor_file>

To investigate the resulting skill you should look at the notebook test_committor_dario.ipynb

To use the analogs and compute the long trajectories you may inspect the notebook trajectory_analogue.ipynb